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On August 11, 2019, we opened the AfricaYouthDays on Leopoldplatz with a public festival, which takes place in the style of the Africa Youth Day. Invited were all initiatives, associations, groups and of course the inhabitants.

Africa Youth Days

The event was a clear commitment to tolerance and peaceful coexistence, but also a clear commitment against discrimination, racism and all forms of exclusion.
he opening festival was supported by : Aktion Mensch, Aktionsgruppenprogramm- Engagement Global, Quartiersmanagement Pankstr., Stadtteilkasse Berlin Wedding

Africa Youth Weeks

Empowering Weeks in Berlin/Germany

In September and October, events and workshops on the topics:
Inclusion, start-ups and ESD will take place at various locations in Berlin and Brandenburg. The focus is on young people and there are offers tailored to them. Education officers Individuals and organisations network and can evaluate their work together.




“Mit spoken Word gegen Rassismus” is a workshop of the Innitiative Perspektivenwechsel. More information here

The speakers* of the initiative Perspektivenwechsel offer an interactive history workshop for young people aged 12 – 21. Together we will travel back in time to Cameroon. The Central African country was a German colony for 35 years. Through comics, pictures as well as audio and video material, the participants learn about various strategies of anti-colonial resistance from Cameroon. It is urgent to talk with children about racist discrimination as early as possible. In this way, racist exclusion patterns are exposed and critically examined. Older pupils* reflect on their own position and responsibility.

Would you like to think like a billion-dollar company?

Copyright Thomas G Kalunge

Have you ever wondered how billion dollar companies like Snapchat, Instagram and Google brainstorm to develop and bring their great new ideas to market?
Or imagine a future:

  • In which you print your clothes at home 3d?
  • Where drones have replaced liefarando?
  • Where there are no more streets and wars are only a bad dream?
    Welcome to the concept of Design Thinking.
    With Design Thinking you can change the world.

Speaker Thomas Gitonga Kalunge M. Sc.



Inspired by the wonderfully creative Earthship buildings in which people live self-sufficiently with nature’s resources, we build a wall of bottles and clay straw together. We will focus on what is fascinating to create from recycled materials and how to obtain them. At the same time we learn a very old technique, namely the environmentally friendly building with clay and straw, as it was traditionally used in many parts of the world and why it is experiencing a renaissance in Germany today. We stamp clay with our feet and build a wall with our hands. Cutting bottles with the bottle cutter can inspire you to do whatever you can with empty bottles.

During the practical workshop we get inputs from garden co-users again and again, e.g. a short excursion into ecological building with straw, stone, hemp, clay and wood. We will explore the risks of microplastics and together we will look for alternatives to plastic and other materials. What are the benefits of reusing used materials instead of buying new ones, and what global impact would a change in consumer behaviour have? The basic principles of permaculture will also be an important input, as the workshop will take place in the permaculture garden.

Africa Youth Day Gala

We are very happy to announce our closing event of the Africa Youth Days. On November 1st, the Africa Youth Day proclaimed by the African Union. More info will follow soon.

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