Global New Generation Senegal is created October 26, 2011. This Association is legally declared as the legislature of our country. The heads office is located in the village of kounoune in the department of Rufisque, region of Dakar. The association has social dynamics, works for the development of Senegal and fights against poverty. It puts emphasize on vulnerable mass popular, children and youth about the health component, education, development and environment. Its objective is to participate in economic social and cultural development of Senegal through various projects targets. To this end, Global New Generation Senegal relies on the contributions of all its members to support its purposes. The objectives are:
– To help students who have limited means to pursue their higher education
– To fight against the dropout
– To encourage the enrollment of girls
– To equip the health posts of the village and surrounding locality of Kounoune
– to repair french and coranic schools targeted structures
– To open a training center for the uneducated in the following sectors: literacy, arts and crafts such as sewing and hairdressing
– To engage in the fight against deforestation
– To build spaces for young people (a football and an entertaining field).

Given that, education, health, environment and development is the unfailing fight of Global New Generation Africa, and as I always said to the members of Senegal, the latter will invest in this area, so that the task will be easier for children, pupils and students making do with their little means and the whole remaining mass of the social block.


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