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Flyerentwurf Anja Okwuazu
Africa Youth Days Tue, 01 Oct 2019 05:29:06 +0000 Read more…]]> Opening Festival

Am 11. August 2019 haben wir auf dem Leopoldplatz mit einem öffentlichen Festival die AfricaYouthDays, die in Anlehnung an den Africa Youth Day stattfinden, eröffnet. Eingeladen waren alle Initiativen, Vereine, Gruppen und natürlich die Bewohner.

Africa Youth Days

Die Veranstaltung war ein klares Bekenntnis zu Toleranz und für ein friedliches Miteinander, aber auch ein klares Bekenntnis gegen Diskriminierung, Rassismus und jeglicher Art von Ausgrenzung.
as Eröffnungsfestival wurde unterstützt von : Aktion Mensch, Aktionsgruppenprogramm- Engagement Global, Quartiersmanagement Pankstr., Stadtteilkasse Berlin Wedding

Africa Youth Weeks

Empowernde Wochen, in Berlin und Brandenburg

Im September und Oktober finden Veranstaltungen und Workshops zu den Themen.
Inklusion, Start-ups und BNE an verschiedenen Standorten in Berlin und Brandenburg statt. Dabei stehen die jungen Menschen im Fokus, es gibt auf sie zugeschnittene Angebote. Bildungsbeauftragte Einzelpersonen und Organisationen vernetzen sich und können ihre Arbeit gemeinsam evaluieren.




“Mit spoken Word gegen Rassismus” ist ein Workshop der Innitiative Perspektivenwechsel. Mehr Informationen hier

Die Referent*innen der Initiative Perspektivenwechsel bieten eine interaktive Geschichtswerkstatt für junge Menschen von 12 – 21 Jahren. Gemeinsam machen wir eine Zeitreise nach Kamerun. Das zentralafrikanische Land war 35 Jahre lang eine deutsche Kolonie.
Über Comics, Bilder sowie Audio- und Videomaterial lernen die Teilnehmer*innen verschiedene Strategien des antikolonialen Widerstands aus Kamerun kennen. Es ist dringend notwendig, mit Kindern so früh wie möglich über rassistische Diskriminierungen zu reden. Dadurch werden rassistische Ausgrenzungsmuster entlarvt und kritisch beleuchtet. Ältere Schüler*innen reflektieren über ihre eigene Position und Verantwortung.


Möchten Sie wie ein Milliardenunternehmen denken?

Copyright Thomas G Kalunge

Haben Sie sich jemals gefragt, wie Milliarden-Dollar-Unternehmen wie Snapchat, Instagram und Google brainstormen um ihre großen neuen Ideen zu entwickeln und an den zu Markt bringen?
Oder stellen Sie sich eine Zukunft vor:
– In der Sie Ihre Kleidung zu Hause 3d drucken?
– Wo Drohnen liefarando ersetzt haben?
– Wo es keine Straßen mehr gibt und Kriege nur noch ein böser Traum sind?
Willkommen beim Konzept des Design Thinking.
Mit Design Thinking können Sie die Welt verändern.

Für junge Menschen ab 14 Jahre



Inspiriert von den wunderbar kreativen Earthship-Gebäuden in denen Menschen autark mit den Ressourcen der Natur leben, bauen wir gemeinsam eine Wand aus Flaschen und Lehmstroh. Wir beschäftigen uns damit, was man faszinierendes erschaffen kann aus wiederverwendeten Materialien und wie man diese beschaffen kann. Gleichzeitig lernen wir eine sehr alte Technik, nämlich das umweltschonende Bauen mit Lehm und Stroh, wie es in vielen Teilen der Welt traditionell angewandt wurde und warum es heute eine Renaissance auch in Deutschland erlebt. Wir stampfen Lehm mit unseren Füßen und bauen eine Wand mit unseren Händen. Das Flaschenschneiden mit dem Bottle Cutter kann die Inspiration anregen, was man noch so alles mit leeren Flaschen machen kann.

Während des Praxisnahen Workshop bekommen wir immer wieder Inputs von Gartenmitbenutzer*innen z.B. ist ein kurzer Exkurs zum ökologischen Bauen mit Stroh, Stein, Hanf, Lehm und Holz erkunden. Wir erkunden die Risiken von Mikroplastik und machen uns gemeinsam auf die Suche nach Alternativen zu Plastik und Co. Was sind die Vorteile, gebrauchte Materialien wieder zu verwenden statt neu zu kaufen und was hätte ein Änderung des Konsumverhaltens für globale Auswirkungen? Auch ein wichtiger Input werden die Grundprinzipien der Permakultur sein, schließlich findet der Workshop im Permakulturgarten statt.

Africa Youth Day Gala

Wir freuen uns sehr, nun unsere Abschlussveranstaltung der Africa Youth Days ankündigen zu können. Und zwar am 1.11.19, dem von der Afrikanischen Union ausgerufene Africa Youth Day.

]]> 17 Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung Wed, 08 Aug 2018 21:47:00 +0000 Read more…]]>

Was sind die Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung?

Die Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung (Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs), auch Global Goals genannt, sind ein allgemeiner Aufruf zum Handeln, um die Armut zu beenden, den Planeten zu schützen und sicherzustellen, dass alle Menschen Frieden und Wohlstand genießen.

Mit den 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) fordern die Vereinten Nationen eine bessere Zukunft für unsere Welt: bis 2030 für eine gute Ernährung und eine armutsfreie Welt. Darüber hinaus fördern die SDG den Zugang zu hochwertiger Bildung und Gesundheit für alle. 139 Länder haben diese als Agenda 2030  unterzeichnet.

Global New Generation erstellt eine Reihe von Unterrichtsmaterialien, wie zum Beispiel die interaktive Lernplattform GNG Homeschool zur Förderung von Bewusstsein und Engagement.

Football in the GNG Gambia Sat, 16 Dec 2017 20:13:15 +0000 Read more…]]> What a great football tournament today. The kids were very motivated with their new jerseys! At this point a huge thank you to the Clubheim BSC REHBERGE and the FSV Babelsberg 74 e.V.! To the Team of @Global New Generation Berlin Collecting all the stuff, Global New Generation Gambia Team, especially Jack Conteh sending it charge free and safe to the Gambia. Also a huge thank you for the Trainers in Gambia, Alex Dawda Samateh and Pabittaye and all others trying so hard to Take the Kids away from the streets. And not to forget our chairman of the GNG Gambia and chairwoman of the GNG int, bringing us all together and pushing it all the time.

Was für ein tolles Fußballturnier heute. Die Kinder waren sehr motiviert mit ihren neuen Trikots! An dieser Stelle ein großes Dankeschön an den @BSV Babelsberg und die FSV Rehberge 74! An das Team von @Global New Generation Berlin die all die Sachen eingesammelt haven, Global New Generation GambiaTeam, speziell Jack Conteh see die Sachen kostenlos und sicher nach Gambia geschafft hat. Auch ein herzliches Dankeschön an die Trainer in Gambia, Alex Dawda Samateh und Pabittaye und alle anderen die sich so toll einsetzen um die Kids von den Straßen zu holen. Und nicht zu vergessen unser Vorsitzender der GNG Gambia und Vorsitzende der GNG int, die uns alle zusammenbringen und die Mission immer wieder antreiben.


Besuch beim Edward Francis Small Teaching hospital Banjul Wed, 13 Dec 2017 19:42:42 +0000 Read more…]]> The GNG Gambia Team went to visit the Edward Francis Small Teaching hospital Banjul to learn about the hospital the conditions and needs. Vanessa was very happy, when the responsible told her, that she can work as a voluntary during the rest of her time in the Gambia as a physiotherapist. So she will write us a report in order to inform further volunteers to come and live and work within the Global New Generation Network.
Das GNG Gambia Team hat heute das Edwuard Francis Small Teaching Krankenhaus in Banjul besucht, um sich über die Konditionen der Arbeit vor Ort zu informieren and zu erfahren, wie wir helfen können. Vanessa hat sich total gefreut, als die Verantworlichen ihr einen Praktikumsplatz in der Physiotherapie für den Rest ihres Aufenthaltes zugesagt haben. Sie wird darüber einen Bericht schreiben, damit zukünftige Freiwillige erfahren wie es ist im GNG Netzwerk zu leben/Wohnen und zu arbeiten.

visit at the Edward Francis Small Teaching hospital

Farmers in Kounoune Tue, 12 Dec 2017 21:22:04 +0000 Read more…]]> Kounoune belongs to the district of Rufisque and is one hour from Dakar. The urbanization of the city of Dakar is progressing incredibly fast. An area of ​​over 200km around the city center is covered with new buildings, land prices are rising very fast, farmers and their fields are disappearing at this same pace.
On dec 2nd.17 we visited the farmers of Kounoune for the first time: carrots, peppers, diakhatou peppers, onions green beans … they grow naturally and without chemical fertilizers. Farmers have founded a GIE to survive alongside big exporters like Gafari. Once a week they go to the wholesale markets Thiaroye and Castor in Dakar to sell their vegetables there. You have to rent a truck, also the water to irrigate the fields has to be paid, as well as the workers to order the fields. But their GIE has a bank account, she takes loans to local banks with tough conditions. The money will then be distributed to the farmers and paid back to the bank after 6 months including the 10% fee. If one of the farmers does not pay back in time, no one from the farmers group can get money for the next few months; means some fields remain empty. The Farmers’ Leader wants to participate in training sessions for farmers, who regularly take place in Israel and Italy, in order to sustainably improve the living conditions of farmers in Kounoune.
On dec 5th.17 GNG Senegal were with the president of the farmers in the Chamber of Commerce of Dakar. We have entered the organization of farmers in the database so that they find ways to increase their business. Mme Gaye Head of Department, advised Mr. the farmers president on the distribution / export of agricultural products and promised to agree on the conditions inquired about the purchase of the organic label. Then we met the leaders of the Global Ecovillage. They will visit the fields and study the situation on the ground.
On dec 12th.17 there was another meeting with Khaly Mbengue in the fields of the farmers of Kounoune for a rough situation analysis.

maraîchères de Kounoune

Besuch der Grundschule in Kounoune Mon, 04 Dec 2017 21:13:54 +0000 Read more…]]> Heute haben wir die Spenden der Eltern von Berliner Schülern übergeben und wir haben über Unterrichtsbedingungen in der Grundschule, Kounoune gesprochen. Die Schule hat 800 Schüler 11 Französischlehrer, zwei Arabischlehrer, was dazu führt, dass die Lehrer oft mit 70 Schülern in einer Klasse sind.

Les Dons de GNG Germany

Wasser ist ein Problem in der Schule, sie haben eine elektrische Pumpe, die mit Solarenergie arbeitet. SDE vertreibtWasser in Kounoune, aber nicht überall, es gibt viele Häuser ohne Wasser. Es gab Anwohner, die in der Schule Wasser zu stehlen begannen, das hatte zur Folge, das die Pumpe nicht mehr richtig funktioniert. Die Schule hat eine Schlüsselpumpe, aber sie ist kaputt. Da der Staat keine Schulwasserrechnungen bezahlt, ist die Pumpe die einzige Wasserquelle für 800 Schüler. Oft gibt es nur ab Mittag Wasser. Der Schulgarten kann wegen Wassermangel nicht kultiviert werden. Und da sind Kinder
die ohne zu essen zur Schule kommen. Das Lehrerzimmer wird vom Hausmeister bewohnt, da der Staat dem Hausmeister kein Gehalt zahlt, die Eltern haben versucht, etwas beizutragen, aber das ist zu wenig um ein Zimmer zu mieten. Also schläft er im Lehrerzimmer. Es gibt einen IT-Raum, der auch nicht funktioniert. Grundsätzlich sind Lehrer engagiert, aber ihre Hände sind durch Bedingungen gebunden, die von der senegalesischen Regierung gelöst werden müssen.

The hospital in Kounoune Fri, 01 Dec 2017 21:48:07 +0000 Today, the team of GNG Senegal handed over donations from GNG Germany to the hospital in Kounoune

L'Hopital de Kounoune

Global Soccer Kids Sun, 09 Jul 2017 08:38:36 +0000 Play with “We Kicken” to promote respect, tolerance and peace

Click the link bellow to see our first donations
Spiel mit!
thanks to:

BSC Rehberge 1945 e.V

FSV Babelsberg 74 e.v.

The first batches of donations go to Global New Generation Gambia and Global New Generation Kenya

Berlin/Prenzlauer Berg: 17year old brutally beaten by 4 adult men Sat, 03 Dec 2016 20:59:18 +0000 Read more…]]> Deutsche Version

 As a  worried mother I am  turning to you and asking you for your cooperation:

  •  I want  just punishment for those men, who beat up and kicked my 17 year old son due to the colour of his skin so that he landed in hospital !
  • I want to cast out my cry for help as far and wide as possible in order to raise attention to the growing racial violence in our country!
  •   I want that any form of racism be it verbal racial or any other form be punished!
  •   I never again want to have to listen to a  sentence like: ” I am not racist, but…” 
  •  I want that our government finally comprehends the seriousness of the situation and that plans are finally made and implemented to ban racism from our minds bit by bit !
This is what happened:
On the 26th of November, after a restless night of worrying and waiting  for my 17 year old son, he finally came home, very pale, around 6.30 am. he immediately went to bed , and I just thought : let him have a good sleep, he’ll get his telling-off in the morning. Around midday he emerged from his room and could not move his arm, anymore, the tip of a bone pierced from underneath the skin on his shoulder and he had several bruises. The family overran him with questions, which he just avoided saying that he couldn’t remember anything. We scolded him but he insisted that he could not remember what happened; he said he was out with friends and went home around 1.30 am and could not believe it when we told him that it was 6.30 am. We thought he had maybe fallen , maybe he was ashamed and does not want to tell his parents what happened, maybe he had had too much to drink but we could get nothing more out of him -except: ” I think I was beaten by some Nazis but I don’t remember exactly”. I took him to the hospital while his older sister started to contact all his friends to find out what really had happened. After a very long wait in the emergency room, he was finally x-rayed. We were told the collar bone was broken, we should present ourselves at the surgery office hours on Monday  to get an appointment for surgery.
When we arrived home in the evening, the big sister had found out from several friends that my son had been beaten up by several men.  There was a girl and a boy who were with my son at the time of the crime. The girl knew my son and I immediately contacted her; she was also under shock and told me everything that she could remember- she had ran for safety and could only add a few more pieces to the puzzle but promised me to get the number of the boy  who was also present as witness and who was a remotely acquainted with my son. On Sunday, my son was feeling unwell, his shoulder was hurting and he also had pain in the head and was dizzy. I began to fear that it could be more than just the broken collar bone. On Sunday evening, I finally got the phone number of the boy and, even though it was already quite late, I could reach him. He then told me what exactly happened, and both he and the girl promised to come with me to the police on Monday and to file a complaint against unknown persons. And this is what happened in the night of 26.11.2016, and what the youths also reported as testimony:
In the night of 25. to 26.11, around 4.00am, my 17 year old son of afro-european descent was, together with two friends (a boy from Azerbaijan/Iran and a German girl) at the tram station of the M10 at Hussenstr. Four men (approx. 25-35 years old) joined them and  blocked the way of the youths as they wanted to go and get some drinks at the kiosk “we love Späti” . Two men were of medium size (approx. 1,80 m), one of them was wearing jeans, black jacket, and middle sized cap turned upward and underneath Stand London, his hair was shaved- probably bald. There was a very tall man (approx. 2,00m), with short brown hair (6-7cm) and a full beard, black jeans and jacket, and a very small man of approx. 1,60m. the men asked what the boys were doing here with the girl and that they should take the girl home now if they were gentlemen. The girl immediately retreated. The boys had some small talk with the men , but as these were under the influence of alcohol and were acting somewhat strange , they wanted to leave as soon as possible. While the boy was talking to two men, my son was saying goodbye to the other two. That’s when the tall man lifted his arm to do the Hitler greeting and said that this was the way to say goodbye in Germany. My son asked him what this supposed to mean and that this was not okay, and a heated discussion sparked up which quickly got out of control and let to incursions. The boy only saw that my son ran away as fast as he could , but he didn’t see the other man who  forcefully pushed him between the parked cars and onto the ground. The other three men joined him and they kicked my son, and although he was lying on the ground and couldn’t get up anymore, they  continued to kick him. His friend called out:” Leave him alone, he is already on the ground!” In that moment, a man on a bicycle and his girlfriend passed , the boy cried for help, the bike rider stopped, and the men fled in direction Prenzlauer Allee. The man helped my son to get up , the young girl came back and offered my son money to take a taxi home , but he said, no it’s ok, and walked off. As it was already very late and all the youths were under shock – “it all happened so quickly , we didn’t even recognize how serious the situation was”- and they all went home. from Hussemannstr. to our house, it only takes 10 minutes by tram; it took my son two and a half hours and he cannot remember how he got home. He is now in-patient at the hospital, his head is being examined and he is getting a surgery on his collarbone.
Although my son’s friends made a great effort  and explained everything as clearly and detailed as possible, they still cannot exactly remember these men. We would appreciate every piece of information.
The visit at the police station was very sobering. The woman, who recorded the testimonials, was very concerned but we still decided to get matters into our hands. Together with the youths, I drove back to the scene of the crime and asked around in the nearby shops if they maybe had CCTV cameras. The salesman in the Späti shop was very attentive and helpful; on the same weekend, they also had been attacked by three armed men, one of who was strikingly tall. The shop owner promised to look through the CCTV recordings.
The young girl has also told me that verbal attacks on my son because of his skin colour have been accumulating, recently.
I am not a politician, I am only a very concerned mother, who is watching in horror as racially motivated violence in our city, and as far as I can see in our country, is growing. Something has to happen finally, people like this have to be punished- and even racial comments have to be punished more seriously!
All my children have been already often badmouthed and insulted with words like ” Neger, dirty etc.”, and we would hope to think that it is getting better as we have been defending ourselves for years, have been seeking the dialogue with teachers, parents etc.- ad still, I am left with the horrible feeling that racism is presently bursting into bloom and becoming much worse than 5 years ago!!!!
We have to do something and we have to do it together, otherwise no one will listen to us!
Sonja Prinz
Thank you for translation: Reka Kamaromi